Monday, January 17, 2011

Where's the beach?

love builds up the broken wall
and straightens the crooked path.
love keeps the stars in the firmament
and imposes rhythm on the ocean tides
each of us is created of it
and i suspect
each of us was created for it

     Part of the reason why I picked this particular photo to post today is because I'm watching the Jersey Shore right now. Is that bad? haha. Do any of you watch that show? I find it highly entertaining, and I enjoy watching it with my boyfriend :)  I actually asked if I could leave work early tonight so I could make it home in time for the show to start! 


  1. I think your blog is so cute! I love these sort of pictures they just always seem to remind me of how happy and free spirited life was before all the hustle and bustle we have now days! The poem is lovely too :)

    I watch Jersey Shore, I feel bad for admitting it to people haha! But I love it!
    Charli xxx

  2. haha this is so cute! I don't watch Jersey Shore but my boyfriend Mike and I always watch 16 & pregnant and Teen Mom together. It's on tonight!

    xo, Jay
